Monday, October 13, 2008

Media Monday

Well, it has only been 5 hrs since my last post, but I needed a break from studying so i figured I would get today's post out of the way now. Its "Media Monday," so I would like to start by talking about the show that I am currently addicted to. Thats right, everyone...Stargate. SG1, of course. I've downloaded all 10 seasons, and am currently on season 7. I'm moving a little slowly, just because of everything else I have to do, but I watch another episode every time I get the chance. I know that a lot of you think that Stargate was a nerdy show kept on air for a small group of fanatics, but my opinion is quite the opposite. If only more people would watch it, they would see what I'm talking about. Yes, it deals with space travel, and aliens...but it is not your typical sci-fi adventure. It deals with real people, living real lives. It deals with duty to family, friends, and country, and other issues that affect our lives daily. Its really more of a drama then a sci-fi show. If you haven't checked it out already, you should definitely put it on your list.

Stargate Atlantis, a spin off of SG1, is still airing new episodes. I have not watched too many episodes myself, and I may be slightly biased because of my love for SG1, but I do not think it is up to par with the origional.

If you are an Amanda Tapping fan, the actress who plays Samantha Carter on SG1, she is starring in a new series on sci-fi called Sanctuary. Its very different from Stargate, but it seems like it has potential. The entire show is shot on green screen, and then the backdrops are all computer engineered. It gives the show a completely differnt quality that has never before been seen on TV. I would also suggest adding it to your list.

And finally, Nick and Norah's Playlist. I know this movie has recieved some bad rap...but I'm here to tell you it is actually quite good. I went to see it expecting nothing special, maybe even something slightly immature. However, I was greatly surprised to find a hilarious movie that kept me engaged and entertained. It reminded me a lot of Juno. And no, that has nothing to do with the actor shared by the two movies. It just has that same sort of dry humor. I highly reccomend it.

Alright...I could continue, but I should save some for next week. I have to get back to studying anyways. AND I'm getting kinda hungry. I guess thats what happens when you havent eaten since 9 and you stay up till 5 am. Lol. Goodnight!/Goodmorning! :-D


John Cletus said...


Sabriel9876 said...

haha. i think you have issues.