Wednesday, September 3, 2008


So I love how I keep "rediscovering" the same projects over and over...but i never end up finishing them. I'm back to working on the afghan I started on a year and a half ago AND i just started a sweater. I really need to focus on one thing at a time, huh? I think I'm going to start writing again, too. Not that I really have time to be doing any of this, what with 18 hrs of school, and massive amounts of homework and reading and all...but I need something that is my own to keep me sane.

I might get back on the Women's Hockey team, too. (Yes, I most certainly am overextending myself. I realize this. Thank you.) Alana (Shelley's and my first roommate at the Gateway) called me today, and asked if I wanted to come to the informational meeting at 8:30 tonight. I said sure. Of course, I have ZERO money right now, and almost no free time, so I don't really know how I would pull it off. We'll see.

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