Friday, September 26, 2008

Cleaning cleaning. I finally got sick of the ridiculously large pile of clean laundry on my floor. So im making it go away. Of course, in order to do that, I have to take all of the dirty laundry out of my closet and clean it. Such a hassle. But with our newly decorated and very preeeety apt (thanks to me and my amazing decorating skills...hehe), i feel so icky in my claustrophobic room. Bleh. Oh well.

On another note, the sweater I'm working on is coming along nicely. Oh, and my shopping trip for shoes yesterday went quite well. I ended up with 3 pairs of shoes for a total of 45 dollars. Thats 2 pairs of tennis shoes, and a pair of sandals. For 45 bucks. Yes, you should all bow down and worship the Tracy for her amazing shoe shopping skills. Haha.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Observation #5

A tree would not be a tree without many branches.

Early Morning Blues

Grrr! Its 5:45 am, and im STILL doing hw. Annoying. Verrrrry annoying. Oh well. At least the project I'm working on is somewhat entertaining. Its just that there are so many things I could be doing right now other than working. Like, sleeping!!! :-D

(Tracy sleep? I know! What a shocker! Lol.)

Oh, and if you haven't voted in my poll yet, you should do that! It is on the left side of my blog. For those of you reading this from facebook, you can get to my actual blog here:

Tuesday, September 23, 2008


Blah. Yes...blah. That is all.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Yay for not being sick anymore! And yay for kitties! Yay for cold weather! Yay for aggie football! Yay for everything else, too!!! :-D

Monday, September 8, 2008


I wish that the little green man that follows me around and finds it hilarious to make me continuously sick would just GO AWAY!!! Every time I get better from one thing, I come down with another. And many times i have 2 or 3 illnesses going on at the same time! Its getting rather annoying. Seriously.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008


So I love how I keep "rediscovering" the same projects over and over...but i never end up finishing them. I'm back to working on the afghan I started on a year and a half ago AND i just started a sweater. I really need to focus on one thing at a time, huh? I think I'm going to start writing again, too. Not that I really have time to be doing any of this, what with 18 hrs of school, and massive amounts of homework and reading and all...but I need something that is my own to keep me sane.

I might get back on the Women's Hockey team, too. (Yes, I most certainly am overextending myself. I realize this. Thank you.) Alana (Shelley's and my first roommate at the Gateway) called me today, and asked if I wanted to come to the informational meeting at 8:30 tonight. I said sure. Of course, I have ZERO money right now, and almost no free time, so I don't really know how I would pull it off. We'll see.


Yay for stomach ulcers!

Monday, September 1, 2008

Blinn Sucks

The air conditioning at Blinn decided it didn't feel like turning on today. So...I got really sick, passed out, and came home. Yay for my first the second week of school!