Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Things I've Realized

Ok, I know that last post I promised to start doing this more often, and I'm sorry for not keeping up. It has been a VERY hectic summer. But now I'm back, and I have an idea for a great post. (Well...more like Angela had an idea for a great post, and Jordan before her. But now I am going to make it my own.) A list of all the things I have noticed about myself recently, or that other people notice about me all the time. So here goes...

  1. I am extremely mature for my age and that annoys me, so I often act quite immature to compensate.
  2. I love chocolate, but I can't eat too much of it.
  3. I have an extensive vocabulary and sometimes insult people by "dumbing things down" for them.
  4. I do actually now have self-confidence, its just taking me a while to get used to it.
  5. I love taking care of kids, even though most people think I'm crazy for it.
  6. Alcohol is my friend, and my enemy.
  7. I like feeling special...even if that means feeling like a retard. Haha.
  8. I am two different people: the have fun and party till you drop Tracy, and the stay inside and curl up alone with a book Tracy.
  9. I have a bad habit of caring for people even more after they've hurt me and I know I shouldn't.
  10. I look good in green.
  11. I may not know what I want to do with my life, but I certainly know what I want to get out of life.
  12. Crazy? I was crazy once. I lived in a little white room....LMAO
  13. I like being alone.
  14. I like being surrounded by people. (I don't get it either...)
  15. Friends and friendship are the most important things to me.
  16. Standing out from the crowd embarrasses me, so I do what I can to fit in.
  17. The books are always better than the movies.
  18. I really just need someone who gets me.
  19. I want to be loved, but its hard for me to love back.
  20. I like to be challenged.
  21. I have VERY distinct political views, and I will argue my point for hours.
  22. I cant stand people who try to change me, or try to change other people.
  23. I'm still in the process of "finding myself".
  24. I will do almost anything to make a person happy if I really care about them.
  25. I LOVE puppies. And kitties. :-)
  26. I am a physical person. I like to be able to feel a person next to me, and I am reassured by the smallest touch.
  27. I am an emotional person, and strong emotional connections with my friends are important.
  28. Sometimes I talk a lot, and sometimes I barely talk at all.
  29. I am extremely uncomfortable in new situations.
  30. I compare myself to others way too often.
  31. I am competitive by nature, but I am non-confrontational.
  32. Sarcasm is my middle name.
  33. I don't like losing friends.
  34. I like beaches and sun, AND snow, ice, and mountains.
  35. I want to go to Europe.
  36. Money is not important to me, but I sure wish I had some.
  37. I am absolutely addicted to shopping.
  38. I have WAY too many shoes.
  39. I am ridiculously OCD, and I will freak out if you even go near my closet.
  40. I never really got into video games, I just read a lot.
  41. The thought of eating food grosses me out.
  42. There is a lot about me that you still don't know, and many of you never will.

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